Sophia had a fun thing there were 3 pancakes left over Grandma joined them up with butter and jam into a stack. Then she cut them into wedges. Joseph loved his surprise orange looks like a whole orange but suddenly when you unwrap it is in pieces.
Today was swimming for Joseph. Luckily it was sunny.
Josephs teacher is called Natasha and she really knows how to get the best out of the little kids.

Here is Joseph swimmimg in the BIG pool.

Sophia wanted to go and play on the monkey bars but the gate was locked so she had to borrow the teachers key in order to unlock the gate.
Natasha was very interested to hear Sophia had been at Emile Palmers. She used to teach there and knew Sophia's old teacher Natalie. Sophia is going to take her togs next week and show Natasha her progress.
Home for dinner. Grandma had to get her skates on. The dinner was a huge success.
Meat sauce with rice. Second helpings for both Joseph and Sophia.
Look at the empty plates.

Now a surprise Sophia loose tooth came out. Here it is on Sophia's cap

Wonder if the tooth fairy will come!
Grandma was going out for dinner with Dale and Stu.
Before she went out she made Hot Chocolates
She messed up the hot chocolates tonight
Too much cocoa pity after excellent ones on Sunday.
They had Indian food at Oh Calcutta. Yvonne's sister Maxine and her husband Paul joined them.What a fun night
Val came to sit with the children. A late night for Grandma.
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