But luckily it warmed up for the forthcoming Zoo visit
Now we have forgotten to mention a very important member of the family

Little Maisie she is very cute
JB loves her very much.
There is also Lulu but she is a bit aloof and she doesn't show her face except for meals.
After a slow start everyone was off to Parnell to buy meat for
family lunch tomorrow.
Grandma was also picking up beautiful Peonies for Mama, Katie and of course Grandma.
When they open we can put a picture on the blog site.
Then off for the Saturday Adventure went the Fantastic Four Grandma, Joseph, Mia and Sophia. First stop (after spending ages parking the car...
lots of other people had the same Zoo idea) was the cafe. Standing in line with the hoards was a bit trying. And after all that soggy chips. Amazing what people eat when they are hungry.

Time for the big walk around the zoo. The tiger looked magnificent but silly Grandma left the camera in the car so we only had the phone to take photos. The peacock
was really showing off but his beautiful tail feathers got lost in the background and he was too far away to get a good shot.
We did see beautiful little baby birds and a baby emu close up.
The children walked on the rickety bridge. The lions were having lunch and the elephant was having shower.

Time for the ice cream treat and playing on the slide.
Then "Home James and don't spare the horses"
The children had a few moments playing in the park
Guess who had to have a wee nap

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